Protection of IP in Digital Environment, 6-7 March, Mona Plaza Belgrade

Protection of IP in Digital Environment, 6-7 March, Mona Plaza Belgrade

We would like to invite you to the second international conference on Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment: 

We are going to discuss trademarks, domain names and copyright and how to protect IP rights protection.

For the first time in Belgrade and Serbia numerous speakers of an international caliber get together, including leading pharmaceutical companies “Novartis” and “BionTech”, a global payment services provider from the UK, “PaySend”,“European Anti-Fraud Office” (OLAF), National IP Office of Serbia, Registry of .RS domain names (RNIDS) and leading IP lawyers. Our speakers are from Serbia, the UK, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy and Belgium.

The conference is supported by a BSCC member “Motsnyi IP Group” and its founder Igor Mocni.

Our aim is to bring businesses and lawyers together to discuss protection of IP in the digital world.

Who should attend the conference: representatives of all businesses that have online presence, including banks and FinTech companies, software companies, Serbian businesses that plan to expand globally, lawyers and security specialists dealing with all forms of online and offline fraud and infringements.

BSCC members have a special discount and can register at a price of 110 Euro. You just need to enter “BSCC member” as your Promo Code.
